Illumination of the Thought
Teachings on Lama Tsongkhapa’s commentary on Supplement to the Middle Way by Chandrakirti.
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Khenpo Yeshi Lhundup, abbot of Drepung Loseling Monastery, teaches on Lama Tsongkhapa's Illumination of the Thought, a commentary on Chandrakirti’s Supplement to the Middle Way.
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Homage to great compassion
A commentary on Chandrakirti's text explaining three kinds of compassion, and how compassion is the…
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Covering the section explaining the meaning of the title and explaining Madhyamaka and Yogacara tenets.
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Teaching on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Illumination of the Thought” and explaining how hearers and solitary realizers…
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Teaching on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Illumination of the Thought” and explaining compassion observing sentient beings, the…
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Explaining compassion observing phenomena and compassion observing the emptiness of sentient beings, the second and…
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A steady, sustained Dharma practice through good and bad times is the fuel for spiritual…
View PostDeveloping three kinds of compassion
A commentary on verses from Chandrakirti’s "Supplement to the Middle Way" explaining three kinds of…
View PostThree types of compassion
Explanation of Chandrakirti's verses identifying three types of compassion.
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A review session on the three types of compassion, including the analogy of the bucket…
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Continued commentary on the three types of compassion and beginning the section on ways of…
View PostReview session: Compassion, impermanence and emptiness
Questons and answers When meditating on compassion, what is the object of meditation? Is the…
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