Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Young man praying at sunset.
On Working with Afflictions

Finally freeing myself from being a prisoner of love

A student of Venerable Chodron's writes about the futility of attachment to others in our…

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Gray stone and rings in sand of Zen rock garden.
Prison Poetry

The garden notices the rocks moving

An incarcerated person writes about seeing others as equal in worth.

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Young man sitting on a skateboard, meditating.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

A letter to my teacher

A young person reflects on the reasons he took refuge with Venerable Chodron.

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Inmate looking out from behind prison bars.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

We are all prisoners

We are prisoners of our own minds. Ignorance, anger, and attachment are every bit as…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Genuine compassion

Compassion is an internal attitude that can be deliberately cultivated through practice. Reflection on bringing…

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Venerable holding a microphone and smiling.
Engaged Buddhism

Was the Buddha an activist?

A commentary on verses from “Precious Garland” describes how a government based on Dharma principles…

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Responding to Prejudice

Overcoming anger towards those who use hate speech

The Buddha had an answer for those who believed in the innate superiority of certain…

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Young man sitting and meditating on a pontoon by a lake at sunrise.
Working with Emotions

Using the 12-step program if you’re a Buddhist

A practitioner explains how he combines the teachings of the Buddha with the valuable 12-step…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Compassion and interdependence

When we see that we are inextricably interconnected we will see that caring for others…

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Framed photos of family.
Dharma Poetry

Hold me close

A student's poem analyzes how our personal attachments hold us back from developing compassion for…

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Responding to Prejudice

Overcoming fear and preconceptions

A motivation to work with the fear and misleading preconceptions that arise in the face…

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