Cultivating Compassion

Methods for cultivating compassion that wishes all sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes.

All Posts in Cultivating Compassion

Cover of book 'An open-hearted life'.
Cultivating Compassion

Cultivating love and kindness

A talk on working with disturbing emotions based on the book "An Open-Hearted Life."

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Cultivating Compassion

Living an open-hearted life

A daylong seminar offering perspectives on compassion from Buddhism and psychology from Venerable Thubten Chodron…

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Cultivating Compassion

Healing the mind

How to cultivate compassion in healthy and sustainable ways that benefit both ourselves and others.

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Living with an Open Heart

“Living with an Open Heart” book launch

A lively discussion about the book, Living with an Open Heart: How to Cultivate Compassion…

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Statue of a Buddha in front of a heart-shaped stone.
Living with an Open Heart

Advice on living with an open heart

An exploration of the Buddha's teachings in helping us develop compassion in our lives and…

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Cultivating Compassion

Moving toward compassion

The obstacles that we experience when cultivating compassion and how to overcome them.

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Living with an Open Heart

Healing with love and compassion

Counteracting the self-centered, self-grasping mind and confronting the emotional problems of this life through love…

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Cultivating Compassion

Caring for ourselves and others

The antidotes to anger, an affliction which blocks our capacity to cultivate compassion.

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Cultivating Compassion

Benefits of compassion

The benefits of cultivating compassion and how to meditate to develop compassion towards all sentient…

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Cultivating Compassion

A heart of compassion

The meaning of compassion and the importance of distinguishing between compassion and self-centered distress.

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Statue of Kuan Yin.
Cultivating Compassion

Building courage and compassion

Cultivating compassion towards those whose values seem to be completely different than ours.

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