
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

All Posts in Meditation

Guided Meditations

Living like we believe in karma

A meditation on integrating the teachings on karma into our daily lives.

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Guided Meditations

Virtuous relaxation

How to imbue our daily life activities with a good motivation so that we are…

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Guided Meditations

Quieting the mind after the news

A meditation on Chenrezig in the wake of the past week's shootings of black men…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Exchanging self and others

Concluding the retreat with powerful verses by Shantideva on exchanging self and others.

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

The benefits of cherishing others

The advantages of cherishing others more than ourselves. The continuing teaching on Shantideva's "Engaging in…

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Medicine Buddha’s unshakeable resolves

The first four of the great vows or unshakeable resolves that the Medicine Buddha made.

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Overcoming self-centeredness

How to identify self-centeredness, considering its disadvantages, and why we should give it up.

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Visualization and mantra recitation

The psychological effect of doing the visualization of the Medicine Buddha and reciting his mantra

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Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2016

Conventional and ultimate truth

While suffering is empty of inherent existence, it still exists conventionally and must be addressed.…

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