Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Geshe Kelsang Damdul, smiling.
Engaged Buddhism

Compassion and world peace

Translating compassion into social action for the benefit of ourselves, our communities and the world.

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A road sign with the name Gratitude Road.
On Mindfulness


Getting caught up in our egos keeps us from appreciating the good things we do…

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A man mediating in a park, surrounded by trees and leaves.
Working with Emotions

Making friends with ourselves

Discovering our Buddha potential by investigating the source of lasting happiness and cultivating the heart…

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Venerable Chodron with Lin QingXiu
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Practicing in the face of cancer

A student shares how she practiced the Dharma while going through chemotherapy for leukemia and…

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Stone image of a bodhisattva.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Joys of taking the bodhisattva vows

An incarcerated person shares the impact of taking the bodhisattva vows on his Dharma practice.

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Fingers coming through a white wall
On Overcoming Anger

Making the teachings personal

An incarcerated person reflects on refuge and the insights he has developed through practice.

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

Cultivating love and compassion

Questions and answers regarding anger and merit, followed by a talk focused on developing love…

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

The judgmental mind

A discussion about our judgmental tendencies and as well as how to deal with the…

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Prison Poetry

Deeply committed to freedom

An incarcerated person writes about the choice we make each day: to rise above our…

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

Dealing with criticism

How parents can help their children with anger and how to deal with criticism and…

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