Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

A single white turkey on a tree with pink flowers.
Responding to Prejudice

Look into your own mind

We should be careful when we want to judge others—especially based on religious views—and look…

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Working with Emotions

Intolerance: Look Into Your Own Mind

We must overcome our own habits of intolerance and prejudice before we can help others.

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A single white turkey on a tree with pink flowers.
Responding to Prejudice

Hate is not conquered by hate

When we see a fault in others we should turn the mirror on ourselves, and…

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Venerable Jampa and Mary Grace, smiling.
On Cultivating Virtue

Done with the detour

Without renouncing her householder responsibilities, she continues to deepen her understanding of how to perfectly…

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Buddha statue superimposed over earth.
21st Century Buddhists

Cycles of optimism

Questions regarding the challenges and opportunities of Buddhism in the 21st century.

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The mountains of Glacier National Park.
On Working with Afflictions

A vacation with anger

Realizing that anger is a habit and not an inherently existent part of the self…

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Buddha walking in a grassy field with his silhouette in the background.
Dharma Poetry

Walking in your footsteps

A student's poetic appreciation of the Buddha.

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Three gosslings sitting together.
On Impermanence

The goslings and the terrier

Disaster strikes, forcing a student to make a difficult decision.

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Pile of snow melting in a bird bath
Prison Poetry

Who understands me but me

Self-acceptance gives a person in prison hope and courage.

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Man looking out window.
On Cultivating Wisdom

The middle way

Thoughts on the importance of taking responsibility for one's own experiences. We are not victims…

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Prison cells.
By Incarcerated People


To be in prison can be a strong external stress factor, but an incarcerated person…

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