Dharma in Action
The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.
All Posts in Dharma in Action
Reflections on anger
Stories from incarcerated people about their struggles with anger and other afflictions.
View PostThe meeting of Sri Lankan and Tibetan monks
Theravada and Mahayana leaders exchanging ideas in Dharamsala, 1990.
View PostPracticing for a loved one who is ill
Advice for a student struggling with her Dharma practice since the onset of her mother's…
View PostWho is making this decision, anyway?
The criteria that help us make Dharma-inspired decisions and how reflecting on emptiness can give…
View PostBuilding courage and compassion
Cultivating compassion towards those whose values seem to be completely different than ours.
View PostPrison poetry III
Poems written by people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.
View PostJourney to the operating room and beyond
A student shares how he used the Dharma to work with fear and pain when…
View PostCelebration of Buddha’s enlightenment
An incarcerated person's gratitude to his sangha, discussing his history of violence, his discovery of…
View PostMindfulness, contentment, and ABBA
Happiness is an inside job. One can cultivate happiness no matter the circumstances of our…
View PostPrison and prayer
How practice sustained an incarcerated person during several weeks in solitary confinement.
View PostWhy not me?
An incarcerated person reflects on self-centered thought and its antidote, cultivating compassion for all sentient…
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