Working with Emotions

How to identify disturbing emotions, their causes and antidotes, and transform them to bring inner peace.

All Posts in Working with Emotions

Young woman with pink hair, smiling.
Cultivating Compassion

Cultivating compassion for ourselves and others

An interview on what it means to have compassion for ourselves, opening our heart to…

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An Open-Hearted Life


What it means to have self-compassion and how it helps to cultivate compassion for others.…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Exchanging self and others and taking and giving

How the taking and giving meditation is a powerful tool for eradicating self-centeredness and cultivating…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Rules of the universe and the benefits of cherishing...

How to identify our personal "Rules of the Universe" and their connection to the self-centered…

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An Open-Hearted Life

The disadvantages of self-centeredness

Decreasing self-centeredness broadens our view beyond ourselves and changes our relationship with others and the…

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Venerable Chodron sitting with a panel of presenters.
Cultivating Compassion

Learning, Living, and Teaching Bodhicitta

The publication of Venerable Thubten Chodron's panel talk at The International Conference on the Life,…

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Venerable sitting with a group of panelists, speaking.
Cultivating Compassion

Clarifying misconceptions about compassion

How Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings help to clarify misconceptions about compassion and why ethical conduct is…

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Venerable teaching in front of large Buddha statue.
Healing Anger

“Samsara, Nirvana and Buddha Nature”: An...

Anger is one of the afflictions causing us to revolve in samsara. A commentary on…

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Venerable surrounded by people, smiling while walking toward the altar to teach.
Contentment and Happiness

Creating habits for happiness

How to establish daily habits at home and at work that will lead to greater…

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An Open-Hearted Life

The kindness of others

Contemplating the kindness of others promotes a feeling of being connected and establishes a firm…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Equalizing and exchanging self and others

Equalizing ourselves and others means recognizing that others wish for joy and freedom from misery…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Love and compassion

Developing love and compassion, steps four and five of the seven-point instruction to cultivate altruism,…

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