How Rebirth Works

How does rebirth work, and who gets reborn? Learn more about the Buddhist concept of rebirth.

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How Rebirth Works

Creating our world: dependent arising

An explanation of rebirth through dependent arising, based on commentaries of the Rice Seedling Sutra.

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How Rebirth Works

Mind and rebirth

Using reasoning to establish confidence in the continuity of the mind and rebirth. How to…

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How Rebirth Works

Rebirth and impermanence

What exactly is it that goes from life to life? How is it that everyone…

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How Rebirth Works

Some questions on rebirth

Responses to questions about rebirth from participants of the SAFE (Sravasti Abbey Friends Education) program.

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Buddha statute at Borobudur with the sun in the background.
How Rebirth Works

Sutra in response to a query over what happens after...

What are the causes and actions for next life? The concept of rebirth explained through…

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
How Rebirth Works

Rebirth and karma

Understanding rebirth and its relationship to karma, and taking responsibility for our lives.

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Wheel of Life
Essence of Refined Gold

How rebirth works

The benefit of contemplating the possibility of rebirth in the lower realms and how our…

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Neon light of the words: Belief
How Rebirth Works

Rebirth and karma

Role of belief in rebirth and karma for practice and progress on the path.

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How Rebirth Works

Rebirth, karma and emptiness

The relationship between the body and mind according to the Buddhist worldview, and an introduction…

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A yellow sign with the words: No Trespassing Only those who strongly believe in rebirth should risk entering here.
How Rebirth Works

Rebirth: A difficult point for Westerners

Developing faith in the Buddhist view of continuation of life and guiding oneself with positive…

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How Rebirth Works

Rebirth: Is it really possible?

Examining one of the key concepts in the Buddhist worldview, which is that we are…

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A man in black walking toward bright light.
How Rebirth Works

Disintegratedness of actions and rebirth

How karmic seeds and the disintegratedness of actions go from one life to the next…

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