Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

Essence of a Human Life

Qualities of the Sangha Jewel

The qualities of the Sangha Jewel according to Maitreya's Treatise on the Sublime Continuum.

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Essence of a Human Life

Qualities of the Dharma Jewel

The qualities of the Dharma Jewel according to Maitreya's Treatise on the Sublime Continuum.

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Essence of a Human Life

Emptiness and buddha nature

The eight qualities of the Buddha listed in Maitreya's Treatise on the Sublime Continuum.

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Gomchen Lamrim

The drawbacks to not remembering death

When we don't reflect on death we don't practice the Dharma and if we do,…

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Gomchen Lamrim

How to take full advantage of a precious human rebirth

Contemplating the rare opportunity and what can be achieved with a precious human life will…

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Essence of a Human Life

More qualities of the Buddha

Relating more qualities of the Buddha to a verse that is used to praise the…

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Essence of a Human Life

The four fearlessnesses of the Buddha

The four things that a Buddha has confidence in, and how reflecting on this can…

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Essence of a Human Life

Causal and resultant refuge

The order in which we will realize and become the Three Jewels, and an analogy…

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Essence of a Human Life

Taking refuge in the Three Jewels

The importance of developing convictional faith as the basis for our refuge in the Three…

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Gomchen Lamrim

The freedoms and fortunes of a precious human rebirth

How to meditate on the freedoms and fortunes of a precious human life to recognize…

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Essence of a Human Life

Having a kind heart

How being kind to ourselves enables us to be kind to others, creating a win-win…

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Essence of a Human Life

Karma is not cast in concrete

The importance of engaging in the four opponent powers as soon as we recognize that…

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