Venerable Thubten Semkye

Ven. Semkye was the Abbey's first lay resident, coming to help Venerable Chodron with the gardens and land management in the spring of 2004. She became the Abbey's third nun in 2007 and received bhikshuni ordination in Taiwan in 2010. She met Venerable Chodron at the Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle in 1996. She took refuge in 1999. When the land was acquired for the Abbey in 2003, Ven. Semye coordinated volunteers for the initial move-in and early remodeling. A founder of Friends of Sravasti Abbey, she accepted the position of chairperson to provide the Four Requisites for the monastic community. Realizing that was a difficult task to do from 350 miles away, she moved to the Abbey in spring of 2004. Although she didn't originally see ordination in her future, after the 2006 Chenrezig retreat when she spent half of her meditation time reflecting on death and impermanence, Ven. Semkye realized that ordaining would be the wisest, most compassionate use of her life. View pictures of her ordination. Ven. Semkye draws on her extensive experience in landscaping and horticulture to manage the Abbey's forests and gardens. She oversees "Offering Volunteer Service Weekends" during which volunteers help with construction, gardening, and forest stewardship.

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Gomchen Lamrim

Review of cultivating insight into emptiness

Venerable Thubten Semkye reviews the first two teachings by Venerable Thubten Chodron on the wisdom…

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Venerable Chodron cutting the hair of Venerable Semkye (then Nancy).
Becoming a Monastic

Becoming a nun

There are many ways to consider one's desire to ordain. Motivation is the most important…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Strength, joy, and compassion

Getting clear about what compassion is and is not. Increasing compassion by changing our perspective…

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Gomchen Lamrim

The six far-reaching practices

Venerable Thubten Semkye teaches on the six far-reaching practices, focusing on why they are the…

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Cultivating Compassion

Meditating on equanimity

A meditation on equanimity, in which we imagine those whom we currently find challenging in…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

“Precious Garland” review: Quiz 8 questi...

Venerable Thubten Semkye reviews the causes for bodhicitta and the the 32 signs of a…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim review: Karma

Venerable Thubten Semkye reviews the law of karma and its effects.

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Explore Monastic Life

Non-negotiables in Dharma practice

Venerable Thubten Semkye shares more gems from her ordained life, including a list of things…

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Explore Monastic Life

The fruits of exploring monastic life

The gems of wisdom gained from participating in the Exploring Monastic Life program for many…

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Guided Meditations

Virtuous relaxation

How to imbue our daily life activities with a good motivation so that we are…

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