
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

All Posts in Meditation


Desire and happiness

The five hindrances to developing meditative concentration, and what it means to be "in the…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Transitioning out of retreat

Instructions on how to gently transition back into non-retreat life after the end of a…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Working with pain

Tips for dealing with pain during meditation; how to bring it into the practice.

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Compassion for ourselves and others

Reflecting on a point Jeffrey Hopkins made during his keynote speech at a symposium on…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Good and bad retreat days

What defines a "good" and "bad" day during meditation retreat and how to realistically assess…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Working with emotions in meditation

How to work with negative emotions like sadness by applying the four establishments of mindfulness.

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Bodhicitta, dukkha, and mindfulness

Bodhicitta and three types of dukkha in relationship to meditating on the four establishments of…

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