Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

The outside front of The Buddhist Library.
Contentment and Happiness

Consumerism and happiness

Questioning how society defines happiness based on what we possess, and examining how consumerism influences…

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The shadow of a man sitting on the floor and shadows of window grills.
Prison Dharma

Offering precepts in prison

Connecting with an incarcerated person leads to offering precepts in an Ohio prison.

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Many emotional words - depressed, sorrow, hurting, upset, hurting, miserable, grieving, affliction etc. in black background.
Science and Buddhism

The Mind and Life VIII conference: Destructive emotions

A perennial human predicament: the nature and destructive potential of “negative” emotions.

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu giving a speech.
Interfaith Dialogue

Archbishop Desmond Tutu in Seattle

Reflections on the continued peace effort following the end of apartheid.

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A menorah with lit candles against a dark background.
Interfaith Dialogue

Reflections of a Jewish Buddhist

International journalist Peter Aronson compares teachings and traditions in Judaism, the religion of his upbringing,…

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Photo of a girl writing: No act of kindess No matter how small is ever wasted.
Dharma in Action

My true religion is kindness

An interview with Rinchen Khandro Chogyel on her life of socially engaged Buddhism.

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Upekkha the cat sits on the teacher's table with his nose on the gooseneck microphone.
Dharma in Daily Life

How to benefit from Dharma talks

Pithy advice on how to bring forward what we learn from listening to Dharma teachings.

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Stained glass in an Anglican church.
Interfaith Dialogue

Love unbounded

Delight in contemplating life within a religious community.

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Couple exchanging rings at wedding ceremony.
Family and Friends

A celebration of love

A Buddhist couple share on the format of their wedding celebration, which included guided meditations…

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A couple's hands together.
Family and Friends

A Buddhist marriage blessing

Practices that couples getting married can do to make merit and share their deepest aspirations…

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Interfaith Dialogue

The value of a disciplined way of life

Buddha's monastic precepts and their similarities to the Christian practice.

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