Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Contentment and Happiness

How to achieve success, happiness and love

Re-defining success, happiness and love on our own terms, and understanding how the Buddhist perspective…

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Venerable Chodron with eyes closed, holding a microphone.
Contentment and Happiness

Attaining and balancing wealth

Examining what money symbolizes in our life, and how overcoming self-centeredness can bring about inner…

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Children in classroom raising hands to ask teacher a question.
Ethics in the Modern World

Our mission as educators

How can we create whole, happy individuals who are good citizens of the world?

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An Abbey guest, picking apples from a tree.
Contentment and Happiness

Living with optimism

Smiling is no unfailing remedy against everything—but it can help!

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Old prison cells in dim light.
Prison Dharma

The value of prison work

The far-reaching benefits of sharing Dharma with those in prison.

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Couple holding hands.
Family and Friends

Romance and family life

Buddhist advice for parents and for youth on romantic love and relationships.

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The words past, present, and future in yellow neon.
On Mindfulness

Transforming the three times

How to use the present wisely to create causes for a happy future instead of…

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The face of an angry man.
On Overcoming Anger

Creating problems

Reflections by a person in prison about his recent treatment of others, contrasting it with…

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Venerables Jampa, Tsultrim, and Damcho, smiling.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Jewels of the Dharma

The nuns in service of the Dharma inspire compassion and loving-kindness to take root in…

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