Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Man looking peaceful with eyes closed.
On Attachment

What brings happiness

Realising what true happiness is and following the path of the Dharma.

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Closeup of Venerable Chodron teaching.
Speaking Wisely and Kindly

Hurtful words, healing words

Being mindful of our speech so as to prevent ourselves from harming others.

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A heart with dirt on it
Healing Anger

Anger poisons our happiness

Transforming anger by changing the behavior patterns of attachment, hostility, and loneliness.

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The word 'habits' spray painted on a red brick wall.
On Meditation


Using the Vajrasattva mantra and practice to change unhealthy habits of daily life.

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Silver medallion with the words 'Thank you' engraved on it.
On Meditation

Appreciating the Dharma

An incarcerated person's letters express his gratitude for the Dharma.

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A wooden sign reads "Vajrasattva" in front of a tree covered in snow.
On Meditation

Doing Vajrasattva retreat

A person in prison relates his intention to take refuge and importance of purification.

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Man with head resting on folded arms.
On Meditation

Personal demons

It´s not easy to replace old thoughts about oneself and to accept full responsibility for…

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Closeup of the face of a Buddha statue.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Dealing with disappointment

Happiness begins with eliminating unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others.

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Cell block
On Meditation

Doing retreat in prison

A person in prison describes the challenges of retreat practice inside prison and the benefits…

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Transparent image of a Buddha transposed over a landscape with mountains and trees.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Seeing Buddha nature

With gratitude and admiration, an incarcerated person sees and is inspired by the good qualities…

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Transparent image of letter over photo of house in the country.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Supporting a loved one in prison

A list of suggestions for family and friends who face uncertainties in relating with a…

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Woman holding flowers.
On Meditation

Positive thinking

An incarcerated person's daily Vajrasattva practice becomes a constant reminder to him to stay in…

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