Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Metal bars of a solitary prison cell.
By Incarcerated People

A long-awaited vacation

How Dharma offered an important choice for an incarcerated person to transform.

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Venerable Chodron in South India with the reincarnation of her teacher, Ling Rinpoche.
Working with Emotions

Cultivating emotional balance

Focusing on our own problems only makes them worse. Expanding our view to consider other…

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Bars on a window with dead tree inside against red bricks
On Self-Worth


Finding self-respect in the respect we have for our own Buddha nature.

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Cigarettes stacked neatly with the top one burning
On Addiction

An appeal to Linda

A heartfelt plea to a loved one to stop smoking cigarettes.

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Hands holding sparklers
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Happy birthday, Mom

A simple birthday song to an incarcerated person's mother brings happiness.

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Thangka image of Vajrasattva.
On Meditation

Better than a hell realm

A person in prison makes use of the tonglen practice while participating in the retreat…

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Monk walking toward the large, transparent head of a buddha.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Patience with the path

Changing the world by working on one moment, one thought, one emotion at a time.

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The words Life made up of Scrabble letters with water droplets on it.
Dharma in Daily Life

The meaning and purpose of life

The underlying meaning and purpose for being alive and what is important at the time…

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A woman wearing a mask covering her face, one side of the mask with an open eye and word Happy and the other side of the mask a crying eye with the word Sad.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta


Wearing masks become part of our life so that we are able to hide our…

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3 stuffed mice-One bigger mice taking sticks, one smaller mice taking a basket and one small mice looking at the big one carrying the sticks.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

A family of mice

A family of mice in his locker—be compassionate or let them die?

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