Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Venerable Thubten Semkye sentada frente a una mesa escribiendo.
Living with Impermanence

Practicing with a year of illness

Venerable Thubten Semkye shares on how embracing a physical ailment challenged her concepts of the…

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Man with sunglasses looking forward
On Addiction

Leading ourselves out of addiction

Taking refuge in drugs or alcohol simply leads to more destructive, addictive behavior, which then…

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Venerable Damcho after her ordinaton ceremony.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

Meaning in life by benefiting others

Having the desire to be of benefit to all sentient beings through thought, speech, and…

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A man daydreaming looking a the sunshine shining on him.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Meeting Tara

An incarcerated person recalls a dream of perfection and enlightenment.

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A man sitting on grass playiing a guitar, there's a card with the words: Will work for ATTENTION in front of him.
On Mindfulness

Paying attention to life

An incarcerated person discusses the ways practice has helped him cope and improved his life…

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Ven. Chodron smiling.
Healing Anger

Examining anger and its antidotes

Anger is a broad category of emotions based on exaggeration. When we can recognize it…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions


We can feel overwhelmed by events or we can feel enthusiastic to solve them. Much…

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Cover of Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path.
On Working with Afflictions

The Dharma works

It is freeing to realize that happiness does not depend on what material possessions we…

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Family and Friends

Planned parenting

Becoming a parent can be of incredible benefit by transmitting from generation to generation the…

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Man in an elelctric wheelchair.
By Prison Volunteers

A secret Zen master

An incarcerated person recounts a story of tender kindness not likely for a gang member.

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Closeup of a leg and hand of person in sitting meditation.
By Incarcerated People

Practicing in prison

An inmate reflects on his situation on being transferred to a different prison.

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On Cultivating Virtue

YouTube Dharma

Venerable Chodron's joyous effort in tirelessly spreading the Dharma radiates like sunshine. This letter comes…

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