Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Grey shadows in an abstract pattern.
Prison Poetry


Poem by a person in prison. Dark in tone, it touches on the inter-connectedness of…

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enerable Damcho smiling, with a book and laptop.
Dharma in Action

Dependent arising: a universal principle

How the principle of dependent arising can be applied to all aspects of life, from…

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Couple in an argument.
Healing Anger

Managing anger in a relationship

Anger plays a key part in relationships. Its various manifestations and antidotes are explored in…

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Cover of the book Managing Your Anger.
By Prison Volunteers

The amazing effects of compassion

Compassion is more powerful than anger when working for social justice.

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Venerable Chodron teaching on video
Healing from Gun Violence

Safety or guns?

Reflections from a Dharma perspective and a call for civic engagement in response to the…

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Healing from Gun Violence

Hope after the Sandy Hook school shooting

Working with difficult emotions and cultivating compassion in response to the shooting at Sandy Hook…

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Bright orange and yellow sunset at the Abbey.
Healing from Gun Violence

Grieving the Sandy Hook tragedy

A response to a student reeling with emotions after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting,…

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Roller coaster about to go down a big hill.
On Working with Afflictions


Overcoming old habits is not easy. Being honest with oneself helps us to gain a…

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Building Trust

How do we make ourselves trustworthy?

A look at ways of cultivating qualities that make us more trustworthy.

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Building Trust

On marital separation

How to work with the mind when going through separation in relationships.

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Building Trust

Don’t trust me to fly a plane!

We can create unreasonable expectations of others, and trust them more than they can bear.…

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Building Trust

Forgiving after a betrayal

When trust has been broken, the best antidote is forgiveness. We don't forget, but we…

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