Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

An Abbey guest turning prayer wheels at Chenrezig Hall.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Opening new doors of opportunity

A knee injury prevents a student from playing sports, but he comes to see it…

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Helping the Dying and Deceased

Practices for the deceased

Practices we can do to benefit those who have recently passed into the bardo so…

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Helping the Dying and Deceased

Helping a dying friend

How we can work with our mind, and what prayers and practices we can do…

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Young man helping elderly man walk.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

The kindness of others

When we develop equanimity we can overcome our attachment, anger and apathy and have equal-hearted…

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Cultivating Compassion

Caring for ourselves and others

The antidotes to anger, an affliction which blocks our capacity to cultivate compassion.

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Cultivating Compassion

Benefits of compassion

The benefits of cultivating compassion and how to meditate to develop compassion towards all sentient…

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Cultivating Compassion

A heart of compassion

The meaning of compassion and the importance of distinguishing between compassion and self-centered distress.

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Healing from Gun Violence

One year after the Aurora shooting

Reflecting with compassion on the one-year anniversary of the Batman movie shooting in Colorado.

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Two candles hugging as they burn down
Ethics in the Modern World

Cultivating compassion in a violent world

Applying the ancient wisdom of a Buddhist philosophical text to bring compassion to situations of…

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Venerable Chodron teaching on video
Responding to Prejudice

The social impact of gun violence

Keeping a calm and compassionate mind in the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal.

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