Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Ethics in the Modern World

Learning to be ethical

Being honest with ourselves is an important part of keeping good ethical conduct.

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Practicing Democracy

Harmony after Brexit

A response to a request for words of wisdom on the social division in Britain…

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Statue of Buddha in garden.
On Working with Afflictions

Why do I get angry?

When anger arises, we can choose not to stay in its thrall. Anger is based…

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Healing from Gun Violence

More reflections on the Orlando tragedy

Perspectives from students who wrote in after hearing Venerable Chodron's talk on the Orlando tragedy.

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On Emptiness

Respecting others

A student reflects on how quickly she is willing to give advice, even when unsolicited.…

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Healing from Gun Violence

Finding hope after the Orlando massacre

How to remain compassionate and avoid despair after the tragic killings in Orlando, Florida.

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

The heart connection between monastics and laypeople

The verses for laypeople who offer food to nourish the sangha, and the sangha which…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Buddhist precepts regarding food

The Buddhist perspective on fasting and how practitioners keep Buddhist precepts related to food.

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Dedicating for the benefit of all

The completion of the commentary on the verses after lunch, pointing out all the beings…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

The emptiness of giving

How to contemplate depending arising and emptiness while making offerings.

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

The merit of offering food and drink

A continuing teaching on dedications that we make for all those who have offered us…

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