Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Healing after a Suicide

Supporting a suicidal person

More on how to support someone who is suicidal, in line with National Suicide Prevention…

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Healing after a Suicide

Suicide prevention awareness

Venerable Thubten Chodron shares resources in anticipation of suicide prevention day on September 10.

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Two young men passing a hot potato.
On Working with Afflictions

Hot potato

A Dharma student realizes that his attachments are the cause of his suffering.

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Hand trying to turn back time in clock
Ethics in the Modern World

Reversing selfishness

Thoughts on David Brooks' "The Power of Altruism," emphasizing how we can get in touch…

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Two people putting puzzle pieces together
Ethics in the Modern World

Survival of the most cooperative

Reflections on David Brooks' "New York Times" article on the power of altruism.

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Man in business suit and carrying briefcase, walking at sunset.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

A wake-up call

A newly-diagnosed health problem brings a practitioner face to face with the reality of impermanence.

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Women conversing.
On Working with Afflictions

The conversation

A student listens to the conversations that go on inside her head, and decides to…

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Responding to Prejudice

Seeking unity, not division

Venerable Thubten Chodron shares on "The Thin Blue Line Between Us," a news article by…

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Responding to Prejudice

Cultivating equanimity in a time of violence

A response to a student's letter on the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile,…

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Elderly woman picking tomatoes from garden.
Living with Impermanence

How to age happily

We will take the mental habits we cultivate now into our old age, so it…

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Abstract black and white drawing of lines and squares.
Dharma Poetry


Just as voids in the urban fabric give rise to plazas, so too the conventions…

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