
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Mind and emotions

Beginning Chapter 3: Mind and Emotions, exploring the relationship between unhappiness and non-virtue.

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Proving mutual inclusion

Explaining how to prove mutual inclusion, and leading the class in doing Exercises 11.1 and…

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Bodhisattva Path

Mind-generation with Venerable Sangye Khadro, Part 1

Venerable Sangye Khadro teaches on the different kinds of bodhicitta explained in Maitreya's "Ornament of…

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

The possibility of ending duhkha

Covering the sections "Dependent Arising and the Three Jewels" and "The Possibility of Ending Duhkha."

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Holding others as supreme

The second verse of the "Eight Verses of Thought Transformation," in connection with the developments…

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Study Buddhist Treatises Podcast

Proving four possibilities and mutual exclusion

Covering the sections “Proving Four Possibilities” and “Proving Mutual Exclusion.”

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The Six Perfections

Paramita of fortitude

Examples from Buddhist scriptures of the bodhisattva perfection of fortitude.

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