
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Karma and emptiness

An overview of why we would want to learn about emptiness and teaches on the…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Contemplating the eight types of dukkha, part 1

How to contemplate in detail the unsatisfactory nature of birth, aging, sickness, and death in…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 3: Verses 259-267

Practicing generosity to benefit others and accumulate merit. Practicing the activities to accumulate wisdom.

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Gomchen Lamrim

Points on karma and purification using the four forces

Turning from nonvirtue to virtue. Points of interest on karma and how to purify nonvirtuous…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 3: Verses 246-258

Nagarjuna's advice to a king on benefiting others can be used to develop generosity and…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Reputation and reward

When we desire reward and respect we may manipulate others to get what we want.…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim review: Specific aspects of karma

Discussion of the benefits of meditating on karma and specific topics to contemplate.

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

“Precious Garland” review: Quiz part 4 q...

Discussion of emptiness and how things and persons exist, including correctly identifying the object of…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim review: Karma in daily life

Practical ways that we can reflect on karma so we can transform habitual behavior patterns…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

“Precious Garland” review: Quiz part 4 q...

Discussion of quiz part four questions 3 and 4 to review Chapter 1. The different…

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The Importance of Motivation

Making room for the Dharma—the eight worldly concerns

By reflecting on the their disadvantages and applying the antidotes we can decrease the influence…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim review: The causes for taking refuge

A guided meditation on the causes for taking refuge and the qualities of the Three…

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