
Cultivate wisdom that can overcome ignorance at all levels and lead to the attainment of liberation and full awakening.

All Posts in Wisdom

Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Tenet systems and the extremes

Four seals asserted by all Buddhist schools, misconceptions of self, and the views of different…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Introduction to the tenets

The first teaching in a series on the tenets: comparison of method and wisdom aspects,…

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Avoiding the extreme of nihilism

The danger in misunderstanding emptiness and thinking that getting rid of the labels means we…

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Emptiness of causes and their effects

Actions we view as solid events actually exist by being merely labeled on a series…

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Group photo of sangha with Khensur Jampa Tegchog.
Teachings by Khensur Jampa Tegchok

Understanding emptiness: Part 3

Question-and-answer session covering different types of wisdom, how wisdom overcomes ignorance, the nihilist's view, and…

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Group photo of sangha with Khensur Jampa Tegchog.
Teachings by Khensur Jampa Tegchok

Holy objects, rebirth, and compassion

A discussion on virtuous actions leading to samsara, the seven-point instructions, and compassion.

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Teachings by Khensur Jampa Tegchok

Clarifying misunderstood teachings

More on the differences between tenet systems, labels, and clarifying misunderstood teachings.

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Group photo of sangha with Khensur Jampa Tegchog.
Teachings by Khensur Jampa Tegchok

Understanding emptiness: Part 2

Discussion on topics of emptiness of space, permanence of nirvana, labels, cognizers, enlightenment, nirvana, and…

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Group photo of sangha with Khensur Jampa Tegchog.
Teachings by Khensur Jampa Tegchok

Liberation and tenet schools

Verses 45-49 on what liberation means, the extremes of existence and non-existence, and distinctions between…

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