Buddhist Worldview

An overview of core Buddhist concepts: the four truths of the aryas, rebirth, karma, refuge, and more.

All Posts in Buddhist Worldview

Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true origins: Conditions

How craving and karma function as conditions that create suffering in cyclic existence as well.

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Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true origins: Strong producers

The importance of keeping in mind how our suffering is caused by our ignorance, afflictions,…

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Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true origins: Origin

Why the origins of cyclic existence are numerous, not singular, and how this helps us…

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Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true dukkha: Selfless

A teaching on the non-existence of the self-sufficient substantially existent person.

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Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true dukkha: Empty

How to identify our wrong views about a permanent, unitary, and independent person.

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Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true dukkha: Dukkha

How to meditate on the unsatisfactory conditions that characterize our existence in samsara.

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Students and instructors from Manushi School gathered around Ven. Chodron.
The Importance of Motivation

Integrating a good motivation into our practice and ...

How to cultivate a beneficial motivation for spiritual practice and life in general. Guided meditation…

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