Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

Group photo of monastics at the 15th annual WBMG.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Monastics go green

Monastics of different traditions discussed intersections between Buddhism and environmentalism, and how Dharma practice can…

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Young monk with palms together and head bowed.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The seven ways to end disputes

Promoting unity, gladness, friendship and harmony in the community for our benefit. Not being difficult…

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Monastics sitting together.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

Kassapa Discourses: Admonishment

The community is spurred by examples of people who practice well. Helping people restrain from…

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Venerable Chodron visiting with an Abbey guest.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

Kassapa Discourses: Guarding the mind

If we have self-restraint, there is less danger of breaking the precepts. We stay mentally…

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Venerables Samten and Jampa walking together.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

Honesty and trust

Dangers of giving others more trust than they can bear and the importance of having…

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Silhouette of a monastic meditating.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The Greater Discourse on the “Simile of the He...

One can easily become satisfied with lesser spiritual goals and miss out on seeking the…

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Monk meditating.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The “Brahmajala Sutta” and monastic prec...

Right behavior is a foundation to develop wisdom and great compassion. A description of three…

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Monastic walking down path toward bright sun.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The purpose of developing concentration

The importance of remembering the Buddha's qualities, observing ethical conduct, and not taking the teachings…

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Woman getting a massage.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

Samsaric pleasures and developing concentration

Seeking pleasant feelings and avoiding pain are due to ignorance of the nature of self…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The Greater Discourse on the “Lion’s Roar Sutt...

Don't waste your time practicing ascetiscism, but do develop the fortitude to practice. Making the…

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A monk standing on a big rock looking at the sun and the sea.
A Nun's Life

Where is your sky?

An educator discusses how nuns can continue learning throughout their lives.

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