
The Buddhist approach to cultivating mindfulness for the purpose of attaining liberation and full awakening.

All Posts in Mindfulness

Colorful statue of Maitreya against blue sky in Ladakh.
A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Gyalwa Chokyi Gyaltsen describes the necessary factors to analyze the mind and describes the meditation…

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Retreatants saying prayers in the Abbey meditation hall.
Texts to Recite and Contemplate

A Song of the Four Mindfulnesses

These verses serve as a reminder to let go of critical thoughts, cultivate compassion, and…

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The right kind of mindfulness

While being mindful of daily activity is a worthwhile practice, the mindfulness that leads to…

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Mindfulness and compassion

An introduction to mindfulness and how practicing it can benefit our environment and others around…

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Monkey swinging from branch to branch.

Taming the monkey mind

Honest recognition of our thoughts increase the courage to practice the Dharma.

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