Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Turkey mother leads her babies onto the front porch.
Dharma Guide Training

Leading a Medicine Buddha meditation

Using the Medicine Buddha practice as a sample for how to guide a meditation session.

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New York City skyline and 9/11 Tribute in Light.
Transforming War and Terrorism

Karma and September 11

A discussion with students in Singapore in response to the September 11 attacks on the…

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Turkey mother leads her babies onto the front porch.
Dharma Guide Training

Leading meditations and discussions

How to guide meditations, facilitate discussion groups, and act as spiritual companions to those in…

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Turkey mother leads her babies onto the front porch.
Dharma Guide Training

Tools for Dharma guides

Practical exercises and tips on how to guide meditation sessions and Dharma discussion groups.

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Friends together and smiling. (Photo by Debbie Tingzon)
Cultivating Healthy Relationships

Cultivating better relationships

Practical ways to improve relationships through good ethical conduct and communication.

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Venerable Tarpa in a group discussion at the Abbey.
Working with Emotions

Buddhism and therapy

Bringing the Dharma into the practice of Western psychotherapy.

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Cover of the book 'Healing Anger' by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Transforming War and Terrorism

Healing anger in times of conflict

A commentary on Healing Anger by His Holiness the Dalai Lama offers direct advice on…

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The Manhattan skyline on the anniversary of 9/11.
Transforming War and Terrorism

Compassion after September 11

Applying the Dharma to deal with difficult emotions after the September 11 attacks on the…

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Image of a man behind bars, one of his hands holding the bar.
Prison Dharma

Prison revisited

Returning to a federal prison in Ohio to offer bodhisattva vows to a person who…

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A man showing anger and frustration.
Healing Anger

Overcoming anger and frustration

An extensive talk on the causes and effects of anger, including antidotes to anger.

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Blue medicine Buddha with right hand outstretched on his knee and left hand holding an alms bowl with nectar.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Medicine Buddha practice for the deceased

Medicine Buddha practice for the recently deceased differs slightly from the standard practice. Beautiful visualizations…

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