Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Venerable Chodron circumambulating Geshe Jampa Wangdu's stupa at Tushita.
Contentment and Happiness

Inner peace

Overcoming the discontented mind opens the way to greater compassion. How to face our fears…

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A glass medicine bottle with the label Awareness, 20ml concentration, Basic medicines are still needed in many parts of the world, but basic awareness are what we need here. Increasing knowledge of different cultures promotes understanding and compassion, which helps eradicate the disease of discrimination.
On Mindfulness

Awareness that sets you free

The ways being in prison has forced an incarcerated person to face his delusions and…

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Man with head resting on hand, in contemplation.
By Incarcerated People

Learning to find inner peace

A person in prison shares his thoughts on keeping up hope in a difficult environment.

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Venerable Thubten Chodron teaching in Singapore
Love and Self-esteem

How to love the people you dislike

Transforming the judgmental mind by appreciating the kindness of others.

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Venerable Chodron smiling and holding flowers at Tai Pei Buddhist Centre in Singapore.
Contentment and Happiness

Working with unfulfilled expectations

How we set ourselves up for disappointment through our expectations, and how we can find…

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The word: Punish written on a wall.
Prison Dharma

Working with Buddhists behind bars

Overcoming fear and the judgmental mind to reach sentient beings in prison.

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On Addiction

Who’s poisoning me?

A person in prison speaks about his addictions and a brush with death.

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Prison cell window that has light pentrating through, surroundings are in darkness.
Prison Dharma

The Dalai Lama on prison life

His Holiness talks about how to generate compassion for incarcerated people and the need for…

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A signboard with the words: Happiness in not a destination. It is a way of life.
On Attachment

Searching for happiness

Thoughts on fleeting nature of objects of attachment such as reputation, possessions, and emotions.

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