Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Shoes and towels on a prison shower table.
On Overcoming Anger

Valuable lesson learned

Responding to a situation or problem without anger or attachment but with compassion in order…

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Transparent silhouette of man meditating behind prison bars.
On Cultivating Wisdom

New perspective

An incarcerated person strives for equanimity even in difficult circumstances.

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Hands in meditation position
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Bodhisattva vows

A person in prison describes the effects on his life after taking bodhisattva vows.

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Man sitting outside in grass, meditating.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Practice and our mind

A person in prison contemplates his vow to benefit all sentient beings.

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Winding Roller Coaster at dusk
On Meditation

Riding the roller coaster

Daily practice helps us recognize the problems that our mind creates for us.

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A student at a state police graduation.
By Prison Volunteers

Scholarship from death row prisoners

A story of incarcerated people on death row who provide scholarships to family members of…

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Large group of nuns from various religions.
Interfaith Dialogue

Report on “Nuns in the West II”

"The power of women of different faiths meeting together and sharing in harmony cannot be…

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A happy family photo.
By Incarcerated People

After release: A woman’s perspective

A woman talks about her experiences on leaving prison after 10 years. She also discusses…

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Man underwater trying to reach the ray of sun from above the water
Prison Poetry

Crossing to the other shore

An incarcerated person expresses the internal struggle he faces while doing retreat in prison.

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Venerable Chodron standing with inmates at SCCC prison in Licking, Missouri.
Prison Dharma

Compassion for perpetrators

A compassionate response to the difficulties both caused and experienced by L. B., an incarcerated…

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Prison Dharma

Fill yourself with good qualities

Ever feel like a prisoner? During a meditation for people who work with incarcerated people,…

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Venerable Chodron standing in front of "the temple".
Interfaith Dialogue

Jewish roots, Buddhist blossoms

The experience of growing up in a Jewish family in Southern California and realizing spiritual…

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