Dharma in Daily Life

Bringing our practice off the cushion into daily life activities and our interactions with others.


Two turkeys perch on a branch in a tree with red flowers in bloom.

Cultivating Healthy Relationships

Relate to others with awareness of their kindness and the wish to benefit them.

Red autumn leaves cover the green grass on the ground.

Living with Impermanence

Applying the Dharma when faced with our own and others' experience of aging, sickness, and death.

A blue bird with black crest feeds on bread on a wooden platform in front of a tree.

Mindful Eating

Teachings on how to transform eating into a spiritual practice.


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When the Chocolate Runs Out (2018)

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Dharma in Daily Life

The eight worldly concerns

Examining our attachment and aversion in the eight worldly concerns.

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Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal) smiling, a smiling student offering a khata in the background.
Living with Impermanence

To Geshela with appreciation

I have been thinking a lot about Geshela and I wanted to share some of…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Thriving in tough times

Using difficult situations as opportunities for spiritual growth.

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Dharma in Daily Life

Open heart, clear mind

Practical advice on how we can apply Buddhist psychology to improve the quality of our…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Question and answers on Dharma and life

Answers to Dharma and personal questions. Topics include aging, issues around sickness, and death and…

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