
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

Ice sculpture of a man in thinking position.

Applying emptiness to our lives

Investigating the self we think exists and finding it empty of inherent existence opens up…

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A paper with the words: Can you read my mind?, clip to a rope.
How Rebirth Works

Mind, rebirth, and liberation

What happens to the mindstream continuum after death and the causes and conditions that influence…

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A monk standing in front of a Buddha statue.
Buddhist Worldview

Understanding the mind

A talk about the Buddhist conception of mind, the source of happiness and suffering, and…

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Venerable Chodron saying dedications.
Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

How to rely on a spiritual teacher

The qualities of a spiritual mentor and a disciple as well as how to cultivate…

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A peanut figure holding a notice: E=MC2 and words: Nuts about work TEACHER.
For Young People


Applying Buddhist practices for studying and preparing for examinations.

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Making flawless syllogisms

Debate teaches us how to make flawless syllogisms that help to reveal our mistaken ways…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

The comparison of phenomena

Debate teaches us how to compare different phenomena so that we can understand how things…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Conceptual and nonconceptual minds

Debate helps us to see the bare facts of the situation and distinguish them from…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Meet people where they are

Encouraging those who learn debate to speak in ways that meet others where they are…

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The Heart Sutra in Chinese carved on marble blocks in a garden in Korea.

Path of no more learning

Perceiving emptiness and conventional truth simultaneously. A discussion of the final verses of the Heart…

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The Heart Sutra in Chinese carved on marble blocks in a garden in Korea.

Path of seeing and meditation

We see attachment as something solid but actually we are only experiencing moments of attachment…

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The Heart Sutra in Chinese carved on marble blocks in a garden in Korea.

A solid concrete “I” does not exist

An examination of how phenomena are mere appearances, empty of inherent existence.

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