Buddhist Worldview

An overview of core Buddhist concepts: the four truths of the aryas, rebirth, karma, refuge, and more.

All Posts in Buddhist Worldview

Neon light of the words: Belief
How Rebirth Works

Rebirth and karma

Role of belief in rebirth and karma for practice and progress on the path.

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Bhutanese prayer flags.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Taking refuge

The qualities of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as well as the many benefits of…

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How Rebirth Works

Rebirth, karma and emptiness

The relationship between the body and mind according to the Buddhist worldview, and an introduction…

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A blue background with the words How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
Karma and Your Life

Creating our experience

How better understanding the law of karma and its effects helps us create happiness in…

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A blue background with the words How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
Karma and Your Life

Exploring karma

The meaning of karma and an examination of the many ways of describing and considering…

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Buddhist Worldview

Inquiry and faith

We don’t get enlightened simply by having faith but through transforming our mind.

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Statue of a bronze Buddha.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Refuge and bodhicitta

The three principal causes for taking refuge—a sense of caution, a sense of confidence, and…

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Venerable Heng-Ching Shih, Venerable Lekshe Tsomo and Venerable Jampa Tsedroen doing research together with a laptop.
Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

Relating to a spiritual teacher

Cultivating relationships with spiritual teachers and the many ways we misunderstand what it means to…

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A standing monk statute.
Karma and Your Life

Realizing our potential

Realizing our full potential by recognizing others' great kindness and purifying the mind of the…

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A yellow sign with the words: No Trespassing Only those who strongly believe in rebirth should risk entering here.
How Rebirth Works

Rebirth: A difficult point for Westerners

Developing faith in the Buddhist view of continuation of life and guiding oneself with positive…

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