Thought Training

Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.

All Posts in Thought Training

Thought Training

Transforming the Complaining Mind

Venerable Chodron shows us how to change our thought using a personal example.

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Practical advice on attachment and pilgrimage

Down-to-earth help for busy lives: "Practicing Dharma is all inside." From a female Tibetan Lama…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Opportunities that counteract attachment

One of the few female Tibetan lamas offers guidance on lessening our attachment to worldly…

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Thought Training


Exploring the second of the four preparations, renunciation.

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Thought Training

Accumulating merit

Exploring the first of the four preparations, accumulating merit.

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Thought Training

The four preparations

Exploring the four preparations as a way to increase our bodhicitta.

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Thought Training

Applying thought training in daily life

Practicing the path beyond the meditation cushion including how to apply thought training in daily…

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Thought Training

Opportunities to grow

Using thought training techniques to transform difficult circumstances into opportunities for spiritual growth and awakening.

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Thought Training

Working with obstacles on the path

Using tonglen meditation as well as the practices of purification and the accumulation of merit…

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Thought Training

Transforming Adversities into the Path

Since adversity comes so often, it's important to know how to transform it.

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