Thought Training
Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.
All Posts in Thought Training
Verse 55: The crazy elephant
How holding onto to negative thoughts and feelings damages and destroys our relationships with others.
View PostCultivating bodhicitta
The seven-point cause-and-effect Instruction and exchanging self and others in order to generate the wish…
View PostFour types of nirvana
Explains different types of nirvana and how they are viewed according to different Buddhist philosophical…
View PostBuddha nature
The true nature of phenomena and the natural nirvana that is in the nature of…
View PostThe dukkha of pervasive conditioning
Discusses what cyclic existence is and how we are deceived when we think we can…
View PostThe dukkha of pain and change
The dukkha of pain and change are unavoidable in cyclic existence, hence we should strive…
View PostRenouncing dukkha
Introduces the topic of renouncing the causes of suffering in cyclic existence.
View PostHow to study, reflect, and meditate
Discusses the first verse of Parting from the Four Clingings, instructing to refrain from worldly…
View PostParting from the four clingings
Introduces Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen's verses on Parting from the Four Clingings and begins analyzing the…
View PostVerse 54: The cunning thief
Doubt keeps us from making a true commitment to spiritual practice. Curiosity helps to clarify…
View PostVerse 53: The wandering mind
What it means to have a distracted mind in the context of tantra, and how…
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