Thought Training

Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.

All Posts in Thought Training

Gems of Wisdom

Verse 54: The cunning thief

Doubt keeps us from making a true commitment to spiritual practice. Curiosity helps to clarify…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 53: The wandering mind

What it means to have a distracted mind in the context of tantra, and how…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 52: The antidote to apathy

Apathy is a self-defeating mental state. How to cultivate the four aspects of joyous effort…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 51: Destroying the garden of happiness

Mindfulness and introspective awareness are crucial tools in removing weeds that destroy the garden of…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 50: The cantankerous old dog

Pride and self-centeredness are obstacles to our happiness and well-being.

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Ending the pity party

How to work with the mind that wants to wallow in self-pity. We can use…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 49: The parrot

Looking at how our reckless speech only comes back to trap us in trouble. We…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 48: The smelly fart

Trying to cover up our faults is a futile endeavor. Also, the sharing of a…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 47: The great fault

Investigating how our self-centered thought is at the heart of our suffering.

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 46: The competitor disliked by all

The negative impact we have on our relationships when we are puffed up with pride…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Squashing our ego

If we have confidence in our good qualities, it will not matter what others say…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 45: The mule

Extolling our own good qualities only makes us look foolish in the eyes of others.

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