
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

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Venerable Chodron and retreatants group photo in 2005.
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005

Questions about initiation and meditation

Rejoicing in receiving the Vajrasattva initiation from Lama Zopa. Clarifying various aspects of the meditation…

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Venerable Chodron and retreatants group photo in 2005.
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005

Initial experiences of retreatants

Working through different states of mind and restless energy, changing the way we move in…

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Thangka image of Shakyamuni Buddha with the 35 Buddhas of Confession.
Prostrations to the 35 Buddhas

35 Buddhas commentary

Geshe Wangdak Khensur Rinpoche teaches on a commentary of The Bodhisattvas' Confession of Ethical Downfalls,…

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Venerable Chodron and retreatants group photo in 2005.
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005

A content and disciplined retreat mind

Using the retreat time to develop a healthier way of looking at our behavior. The…

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Closeup of Kuan Yin statue at the Abbey.
Prayers and Practices

Prayers for Asian Tsunami victims

Advice to a Dharma student on prayers and practices that can be done to benefit…

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Introduction to Tantra

Introduction to tantra

Understanding the Vajrayana path, how it fits into the Buddhist teachings, and knowing the right…

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Happy Retreatants with Venerable Thubten Chodron

Preparing for Vajrasattva retreat

Preparatory instructions, including explanations of purification, visualization, practicing in retreat, and mantra recitation.

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Om Ah Hum spray painted on bricks.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Purification meditation

How one can calm the mind by meditating on the breath, visualizing the Buddha, and…

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Abbey guest meditating outside.

Dealing with distractions

Techniques for dealing with the mind and body that can't sit still in meditation.

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Thangka image of Manjushri

Introduction to Manjushri practice

About the practice of the Majushri sadhana, the symbolism of the deity's appearance and what…

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Mandala offering hand mudra.
Mandala Offering

Mandala offerings

The meaning and purpose of the practice of making mandala offerings, especially in the context…

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Venerable Chonyi meditating outside.

Questions and answers on meditation

Answers to all the questions you have ever had about how to meditate.

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