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All Posts in Meditation

Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Coming out of retreat

Continuing advice on coming out of retreat, how to be careful of overindulgence in sense…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Advice on concluding retreat

For those leaving after the short retreat, advice on how to conclude the retreat and…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Remembering refuge and bodhicitta

Doing refuge and bodhicitta meditations during the session brings balance to the mind.

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Mandala Offering

A modern mandala offering

Explanation of this merit accumulating practice and a contemporary version of the mandala offering prayer.

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

The joy of retreat

A question-and-answer session sharing the challenges and accomplishments of meditating on the four establishments of…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Mahayana establishments of mindfulness

The Mahayana manner of meditating on the four establishments of mindfulness, considering each in terms…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Buddha nature

The distinction between the awakened buddha nature and the natural buddha nature and the conditions…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Meditation on bones

Meditating on bones to deepen our understanding of impermanence and our renunciation of cyclic existence.

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Meditating on mindfulness of feelings

How to distinguish raw physical sensation and unpleasant feelings and noting how the mind relates…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness Retreat

Mindfulness and lamrim meditation

How the four establishments of mindfulness practice fits with the Stages of the Path to…

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