
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

All Posts in Meditation

Face of a sculpture of Tara.
Green Tara

Green Tara sadhana with the Eight Dangers

An alternate text of the Green Tara sadhana including the Protection from the Eight Dangers…

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Advice for Dharma practice

A question and answer session covering topics such as social conformity, guilt and regret, dealing…

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Clinging to our identity

The definition of mindfulness of phenomena and how we cling to and grasp at our…

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Mindfulness of the body and feelings

Different ways of meditation on the four establishments of mindfulness, focusing first on the body…

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Meditation, misconceptions, and the four seals

Manners of meditation, the four seals of Buddhism, and the benefits of understanding the body,…

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Mindfulness and introspective awareness

An introduction to the teachings on the four establishments of mindfulness. How wisdom, mindfulness, and…

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Candle offering to small statue of Chenrezig.

Connecting with compassion

How important it is to acknowledge past mistakes and harms done in order to truly…

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2014


Pithy instructions from the masters on how to meditate on emptiness.

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2014

Cultivating bodhicitta

The seven-point cause-and-effect Instruction and exchanging self and others in order to generate the wish…

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2014

Four types of nirvana

Explains different types of nirvana and how they are viewed according to different Buddhist philosophical…

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2014

Buddha nature

The true nature of phenomena and the natural nirvana that is in the nature of…

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