Deity Meditation

Teachings from annual weeklong and three-month deity meditation retreats.

All Posts in Deity Meditation

Wooden Kuan Yin Statue
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2018

Immeasurable equanimity

The importance of the four immeasurables and an in-depth look into immeasurable equanimity.

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2018

“Letter to a Friend”: Verses 27-28

Satisfying desire, seeing the ultimate nature of phenomena, and relying on a spiritual mentor.

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Ven. Chodron sits and teaches in front of a Maitreya statue at Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre Singapore.

Who is Amitabha?

Understanding Amitabha and his pure land. How the practice immerses you in the Buddhist teachings.…

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Medicine Buddha

Finding inspiration in the qualities of Medicine Buddha

How the physical features of the Medicine Buddha illustrate his qualities and how they inspire…

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Venerable teaching at Amitabha Buddhist Centre.

The power of Nyung Ne with questions and answers

What it means to take refuge during the Nyung Ne practice. Answers to questions on…

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