Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2006

How to meditate on compassion and commentary on verses 1-9 of 108 Verses Praising Great Compassion.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.

108 Verses on Compassion (2006-11)

Teachings on One Hundred and Eight Verses Praising Great Compassion Called A Precious Crystal Rosary by Bhikshu Lobsang Tayang given during the Chenrezig retreats at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center and Sravasti Abbey from 2006-2011.

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All Posts in Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2006

Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 1-6

How great compassion is central to the practice and guides the practitioners through the full…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verse 7

Importance of deeply looking at our sufferings and developing the motivation to overcome them for…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Guided meditation on cyclic existence

Developing the aspiration to be free by examining the sufferings we have because of various…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Methods to cultivate compassion

Techniques to transform our mind from cherishing self to cherishing others for cultivating compassion.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Discussion on kindness of others

Discussion on how we focus on self due to many factors and importance of caring…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verse 8

How understanding impermanence helps us view the true nature of self and develop a long…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verse 9

Generating compassion by seeing things as not inherently existing and changing how we act with…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

How things exist

How understanding things exist dependently provides us freedom to act without afflictions and cultivate compassion.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Meditating on three types of compassion

Importance of persisting through hearing, thinking, and meditating until we see and feel how our…

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