Guided Meditations

Guided meditations to tame the mind and generate the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Guided Meditations

Guided Meditations

Freeing yourself from jealousy

A meditation on working with jealousy on the Daily Dharma Gathering hosted by Susan Piver…

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Imagine your're in an aeroplane
Living a Meaningful Life

Meaningful life, remembering death

A vivid meditation on death and how important it is to make life meaningful while…

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Tom taking notes during breaktime at the Abbey.
Living a Meaningful Life

Meditating on our precious human life

A guided meditation on how to rejoice in our precious human life instead of taking…

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A hand holding a hand clock and a skeleton head in background.
Living a Meaningful Life

What is important at the time of death

A guided meditation on imagining our own death. How to practice in preparation for death…

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Closeup face of a Buddha
Buddhist Meditation 101

Stilling the critical mind

A guided meditation on the breath to cultivate a sense of contentment with the present…

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Person meditating outside with dog in background.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Breathing meditation

An explanation of how to do stabilizing meditation focused on the breath.

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Antidotes to Afflictions

Antidotes to afflictions

Definitions, disadvantages and antidotes for key afflictions: attachment, anger, jealousy, and arrogance.

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Om Ah Hum spray painted on bricks.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Purification meditation

How one can calm the mind by meditating on the breath, visualizing the Buddha, and…

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Four nuns with four Sravasti Abbey cats named after the four immeasurables.
Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Practicing rejoicing

What we get jealous about, what we do when we get jealous, and how to…

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