Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Contentment and Happiness

Buddhism and consumerism

A talk on how consumerism affects society and its impact on Buddhism in America.

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Venerable Chodron being interviewed by MORE Magazine.
Living with Impermanence

To go one’s own way

"I've never wanted to get old and look back on my life with regret." Venerable…

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Cultivating Compassion

Curing our self-centeredness

Compassion can serve as a powerful antidote to our self-preoccupation and free us from our…

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A shirtless young boy walking down a city street.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Street kids

An incarcerated person's harrowing account of his childhood growing up on the streets, and his…

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On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Working with People in Prison

Working with people in prison requires a mindset of humility and understanding: an incarcerated person…

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Guest at the Abbey, turning prayer wheels.
Contentment and Happiness

Making decisions for long term benefit

How to find true long term happiness by acting ethically and benefiting others.

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Guest at the Abbey, turning prayer wheels.
Contentment and Happiness

Purifying our wrong actions

Explanation of generating regret for our past actions and making a determination not to repeat…

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Guest at the Abbey, turning prayer wheels.
Contentment and Happiness

Craving for pleasures

How we cling to sense pleasures, our own ways of doing things, and examining if…

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Guest at the Abbey, turning prayer wheels.
Contentment and Happiness

Ethical conduct and motivation

The meaning of happiness, how anger and attachment cause suffering, and the benefits of a…

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Prison Poetry

Buddha’s door

In meditation, a person in prison reflects on his experience of freedom and compassion for…

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A wood craving of a sun above the word Awaken.
By Incarcerated People

Glad to be here

A person in prison tells the story of how he happened to be in the…

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