Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

The words: What does Humility require?, written on a wall.
On Self-Worth

Becoming humble

Having the courage to apologize can bring a sense of peace.

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Drawing of Gaza bombing- planes dropping bomb, buildings bomb and people dying in blood on the road.
On Overcoming Anger

An eye-opener

A person in prison feels empathy not only for those who are suffering, but also…

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On Overcoming Anger

Inspirations for overcoming anger

An incarcerated person shares his reflections on Working with Anger by Venerable Thubten Chodron.

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Doubting one’s capabilities

Doubting our own capabilities brings a lot of useless anxiety. What we don't know, we…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear of being disliked

Attachment to reputation brings a lot of suffering. Being able to own up to our…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Antidotes to the fear of separation

Parting from those we love is inevitable. Sending our loved ones on with love eases…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear of separation from loved ones

Attachment to those we love causes fear and anxiety about separating from them, and actually…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear of losing things

Fear of poverty can make it difficult to be generous. Practicing giving helps us loosen…

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White wordings: Do something good every day, background in red color.
Prison Dharma

Making life meaningful in prison

Sravasti Abbey reaches those in prison by offering teachings on DVD to prison libraries.

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear regarding the economy

Cultivating contentment and not getting caught up in consumerism eases our anxiety, no matter the…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear regarding health

We can view illness or injury in a more beneficial way by considering that our…

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