Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Times Square
On Attachment


The overwhelming effect of social media and technology, making one's daily life feel like a…

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World religions section of bookstore.
Interfaith Dialogue

Exploring world religions and Buddhism

Recommended reading exploring different religious traditions as they relate to Buddhism.

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Potato chips on a plate.
On Attachment

The jerk and the potato chips

Using one's meditation practice to become the observer of one's mind and to release the…

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Photo of Venerable Saxena, smiling.
Interfaith Dialogue

Dharma masala

Growing up amongst Christian and Hindu influences, eventually becoming Buddhist. Reflections on culture and religion.

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Prison cell with the words 'Prison poetry IV" superimposed over it.
Prison Poetry

Prison poetry IV

Poems written by incarcerated people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.

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A dragonfly resting on a straw of weed, glowing in the sun.
On Self-Worth

Kindness to myself

An incarcerated person reflects on the changes in his outlook since noticing the good he…

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Sneaker with the label 'Bat Shoes' on it.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

The Ronco label maker

Seeing all sentient beings with equanimity and not judging others opens one's heart and mind…

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A Buddhist monk and a Muslim priest, sitting together.
Interfaith Dialogue

Islamic-Buddhist dialogue

Meetings with Muslim leaders around the world for the purpose of broadening understanding between Buddhists…

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A group of people, hugging.
Dharma Poetry

Falling in love with everyone

A poem on loving all sentient beings.

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Invitation to a high school reunion.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta


An incarcerated person begins to release his own worldly concerns of materialism, reputation, and praise.

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Sculpture of a knotted gun with the word Non-Violence engraged on stone.
On Overcoming Anger

The precept of nonviolence

A person in prison recounts an incident in which he chose to keep his vow…

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Zopa Herron working at the computer.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Advice for upcoming surgery

A student shares on the practices that helped her to face breast cancer and undergo…

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