Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action


Anger versus clarity

The second of three talks given at a retreat on how to practice forgiveness by…

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Retreating from anger

The first of three talks given at a retreat on how to practice forgiveness by…

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Man giving a gift to another man.
On Cultivating Virtue


When we give freely with an open heart and mind, because we truly have love…

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Two open hands with the map of Earth painted on them.
Ethics in the Modern World

Ethical conduct in modern times

Applying the Buddha´s teaching to modern times. Answers to some of the daily issues of…

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Woman looking unhappy.
Healing Anger

My favorite pastime: complaining

We can develop bodhicitta by practicing self-compassion, awareness of inner feelings, and motivation to change.

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hadakshari Lokeshvara on gold cloth.
Speaking Wisely and Kindly

Disadvantages of criticizing bodhisattvas

Cultivating compassion by differentiating between the person and his or her actions.

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On Taking Illness Onto the Path

A tale of woe becomes a tale of kindness and refuge

A student writes about his experiences after being injured in a rock-climbing accident. Venerable Thubten…

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A gril sitting at the summit of the tallest dune at sunset
On Cultivating Virtue

Reflecting on precious human life

When we contemplate the freedoms and fortunes we have in our lives, we learn not…

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Kindness and forgiveness

Forgiving is an act of letting go of our own anger. We cultivate compassion by…

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Vietnamese soldier.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

From enemy to brother

We all want the same thing, to have happiness and its causes and not to…

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Bon at the Abbey, smiling.
On Refuge and Bodhicitta

A bodhisattva’s determination

Sustaining joyous effort on others' behalf during challenging situations.

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