Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Venerable Chodron and Venerable Samten sitting with a group of inmates in the Medan prison chapel.
By Prison Volunteers

Connecting with incarcerated women in Indonesia

Reflections on a visit together with Venerable Thubten Chodron to a women's prison in Indonesia.

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Heart made of rocks.
Healing Anger

Transforming anger into compassion

Anger isn't subdued by rearranging the world and the beings in it, but through internal…

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Contentment and Happiness

The Buddhist approach to happiness

Living life with the view that my happiness is most important actually leads to unhappiness.…

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Cover of book 'An open-hearted life'.
Cultivating Compassion

Cultivating love and kindness

A talk on working with disturbing emotions based on the book "An Open-Hearted Life."

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Contentment and Happiness

Optimism and renunciation

Response to a query from a SAFE student on how to have an optimistic mind…

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Contentment and Happiness

The power of optimism

Rejoicing in the positive mental states and good hearts of Abbey friends.

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Cultivating Compassion

Living an open-hearted life

A daylong seminar offering perspectives on compassion from Buddhism and psychology from Venerable Thubten Chodron…

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Prayer flags against autum leaves
By Prison Volunteers

A prison visit on “Buddha Day”

Venerable Thubten Jigme describes her experience celebrating "Buddha Day" with those at Coyote Ridge Correctional…

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Close-up of Mudita the cat looking into the camera.
Love and Self-esteem

Wisdom, love, and hatred

Verses from Buddhist scriptures on how to overcome the obstacles to cultivating love.

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Close-up of Mudita the cat looking into the camera.
Love and Self-esteem

Obstacles and antidotes

Further discussion of the obstacles to cultivating love and how to work with them.

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Dharma in Daily Life

Heart advice for practitioners

Advice directed at a young monastic, but suitable for all, on making our lives and…

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