21st Century Buddhists

Engaging with modern education and science while remaining rooted in the Buddha's teachings.

All Posts in 21st Century Buddhists

His Holiness the Dalai Lama waving to a large crowd at a teaching.
Interfaith Dialogue

Social action and interfaith dialogue

Ways in which we can put our meditations on equanimity into practice to benefit others.

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Tibetan nuns discussing physics experiments in class.
Science and Buddhism

American professor teaches physics to Tibetan nuns

Physics professor Nicole Ackerman (now Venerable Thubten Rinchen) writes about her experience teaching science to…

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Oustretched hand with sun rays behind it.
21st Century Buddhists

How to be a Buddhist in today’s world

His Holiness the Dalai Lama offers practical advice on putting our religious and spiritual values…

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Tibetan nuns in a classroom.
Science and Buddhism

Connecting women scientists and Buddhist nuns

A physics professor shares about her experience teaching Tibetan Buddhist nuns as part of the…

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Woman with srtonge gaze in the sunshine
Ethics in the Modern World

Practical ethics and leadership

The first of two talks based on Nagarjuna's Precious Garland of Advice for a King…

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A Tibetan Buddhist monastic reads a book.
Ethics in the Modern World

Practical ethics from Nagarjuna

Advice and discussion about governing and leadership, Buddhist activism, and compassion towards prisoners.

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Open hand holding a compass
Ethics in the Modern World

Developing our inner moral compass

The value of turning inwards and calming the mind before engaging in social action.

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Looking up through two modern skyc=sca=rapers
Ethics in the Modern World

Morality in a modern world

In the modern age, technology enables more ways to engage in the ten paths of…

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Hand trying to turn back time in clock
Ethics in the Modern World

Reversing selfishness

Thoughts on David Brooks' "The Power of Altruism," emphasizing how we can get in touch…

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Two people putting puzzle pieces together
Ethics in the Modern World

Survival of the most cooperative

Reflections on David Brooks' "New York Times" article on the power of altruism.

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Ethics in the Modern World

Learning to be ethical

Being honest with ourselves is an important part of keeping good ethical conduct.

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