Working with Emotions

How to identify disturbing emotions, their causes and antidotes, and transform them to bring inner peace.

All Posts in Working with Emotions

Cultivating Compassion

The power of compassion, part 3

Developing bodhicitta through equalizing and exchanging self and others.

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Healing Anger

Working with anger, part 1

An explanation of the Buddhist view of anger and how to work with it.

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Working with Emotions

Compassion for oneself, compassion for others

How we can overcome self-hatred and self-criticism and learn to be more kind and friendly…

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Working with Emotions

Cultivating loving-kindness

Practical ways to cultivate kindness towards ourselves and others in our daily lives.

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An Open-Hearted Life

Fear of compassion

How it takes time to form trusting relationships with others who have been harmed in…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Friends who give bad advice

How habitual disturbing emotions are like friends giving bad advice.

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