Living with Impermanence

Applying the Dharma when faced with our own and others' experience of aging, sickness, and death.

All Posts in Living with Impermanence

Venerable Chodron being interviewed by MORE Magazine.
Living with Impermanence

To go one’s own way

"I've never wanted to get old and look back on my life with regret." Venerable…

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A group of monastics and laypeople outside having a group discussion.
Healing after a Suicide

Loss of a loved one to suicide

Healing from a loved one's suicide by transforming the traumatic experience into a cause for…

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Man lying in hospital bed.
Living with Impermanence

How to deal with sickness

Until liberation from rebirth, illness is unavoidable. In the meantime, we can use the Dharma…

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Venerable Chodron leading retreatants in chanting.
Dealing with Grief

Dealing with grief

Exploring the causes of grief and how to work through the grieving process.

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Altar set up for Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

When our spiritual mentors pass away

A exchange with an old friend about experiencing the deaths of spiritual teachers.

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Abbey monastics chanting during a Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

Losing a dear one who was young

A letter from a student questioning the reason for the loss of her younger sister.

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Small Buddha statue next to a candle.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Preparing for a loved one’s death

Using the teachings to prepare the loved one for death and to prepare the family…

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Blue medicine Buddha with right hand outstretched on his knee and left hand holding an alms bowl with nectar.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Medicine Buddha practice for the deceased

Medicine Buddha practice for the recently deceased differs slightly from the standard practice. Beautiful visualizations…

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