
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

The Six Perfections

Day 2: Questions and answers

Discussion session covering near-death experiences from a Buddhist perspective, organ donation, and the importance of…

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The Six Perfections

Developing equanimity

How to cultivate and develop equanimity, and the equalizing and exchanging self and others technique…

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The Six Perfections

Cultivating positive states of mind

Methods to train the mind, focusing on the sequence of developing positive states of mind.…

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The Six Perfections

Day 1: Questions and answers

Session discussing signs of irreversible bodhicitta, the four maras, wishing all sentient beings to be…

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The Six Perfections

Bodhicitta, a vast perspective

Exploring reasons why bodhicitta is so powerful and teachings on the seven-step cause and effect…

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The Six Perfections

Review of bodhicitta

A review of bodhicitta, exploring praises of this jewel of minds, and why it is…

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Checking our meditation experiences

Finishing Chapter 10, covering sections "Checking Our Meditation Experiences" and "Signs of Progress" and beginning…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

More debate practice

The Abbey community practices the debates they wrote with each other.

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Role models

Teaching from the last two sections of Chapter 9, on memorization, debate, and role models.

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Practicing the defender’s answers

Helping the class practice different answers that the defender can give in response to statements…

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